My blog will be changing a bit. I will still be posting lot of travel ideas and adventure. I will also be doing a podcast that tell of my journey of full-time traveling. I will be discussing the reasoning behind me traveling full-time, the challenges I have faced, the new friends I have made and how much I have learnt. I am going to be completely honest and open about things. I do not want my followers to think traveling is glamorous and adventurous every day. This is so not true at all.
There are days you do: none thing at all, you go an adventure, work, normal grocery shopping, Netflix days and take breaks from traveling. All the things I just listed are all pretty normal. In my case some countries I will stay in for months and other weeks. For me this really depends on cost. Europe, I did London, Paris, Barcelona and Sevilla Spain in six weeks because of cost. I even travel to these countries in late winter early spring to cut cost down, but it was still expensive. In three of the cities, I visited I even stayed at hostels which helped a lot. Whereas Thailand I keep an apartment because it so cheap and it is nice to have a base. Here in Thailand, I pay $290 usd a month for a studio apartment with a full kitchen. I only have to pay electricity. With combined around $350 usd. I cannot get these prices in the USA. Did I mention the weather is nice all year in Thailand.
So let's move on to episode one of the podcasts.